
  • Our latest Conference: Interpretational Practices in the Postcolonial Era: Transcultural Perspectives in Cameroon, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa

    I was really excited about this conference hosted by my UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education, which brought together scholars from so many countries. The conference built upon the achievements of the Exploring Visual Cultures Project (, which is at the same time an archive on die diversity of visual cultures and a…

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  • “Arts Education in and through a Time of Crisis”

    The 4th Conference of our UNESCO UNITWIN “Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development” just took place, and, due to being held as a hybrid conference due to covid, has all sessions taped and published on Youtube. The conference covered a broad range of issues connected to diversity, vulnerability, and resilience in relation…

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  • Territories of Theory: Post-Colonial Irritations of my Theoretical Practice

    German version published as: Jörissen, B. (2019). Territorien der Theorie: Post-koloniale Irritationen meiner bildungstheoretischen Praxis. In U. Stadler-Altmann & B. Gross (Eds.), Beyond erziehungswissenschaftlicher Grenzen. Diskurse zu Entgrenzungen der Disziplin. (pp. 57–62). Opladen: Barbara Budrich. Translated using, with a few manual corrections. Get a PDF (german preprint & english version) on the Downloads Page.…

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