International Conferences & Talks

International conferences hosted by us:

Visual Culture & Memory. Interpretational Practices in the Postcolonial Era: Transcultural Perspectives in Cameroon, Germany, Ghana, Kenya, and South Africa. International Conference hosted by the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture in Education in cooperation with the „Exploring Visual Cultures” Project at the Academy of Fine Arts Munich. Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Akademie für Schultheater und performative Bildung, July 15th/16th, 2021. Klick here for more information!

Aesthetics of Transformation

International Conference „Aesthetics of Transformation: Arts Education Research and the Challenge of Cultural Sustainability“ in cooperation with the UNITWIN-Network „Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainability“. Akademie für Schultheater und performative Bildung, Nuremberg, 2.-5. Mai 2018. more information

International Winterschool „Spectra of Transformation – International Winter School for research in aesthetic, arts and cultural education“. Funded by the VolkswagenStiftung. Akademie für Schultheater und performative Bildung, Nuremberg, 20.-24. Februar 2017. more information


Downloads of presentation slides are to be found on the Download Page.

Digitalization and mobile connectivity have changed our worlds and the lives of children and adolescents in an unprecedented way. The distinctions of online versus offline, cyberspace versus meatspace or even “real” world versus “virtual” world are obsolete, and even the reference to this distinction is rather historical: “my son once asked how we used the internet before computers were invented” (Baym, 2015). Educational work with people of all ages is confronted with new media habits, new media-cultural perspectives and opportunities. This not only applies to the field of aesthetic, arts, and cultural education but also to all other fields of education. In this context, arts education is of particular relevance: The digital transformation of our world requires new cultural techniques. These do not arise simply out of themselves but require an educational theoretical debate.
The talk will first offer a more comprehensive view upon digitality and digitalization, regarding (cultural) historical as well as well as systematic perspectives. The world again changed significantly through digitalization since the years the Seoul Agenda has been written. A view upon the core layers of digitality – software, data, networks, materialities and spatialities – shall reveal that digitality a process of particular transformation of cultural forms connected very much to power-related issues, taking place on a anthropological scale (of body, senses, and sociality). Secondly, the necessity of arts education to understand, as well as its capability to contribute to a more empowering digital culture will be located on the three layers of 1) a neccesity to to adapt to post-digital youth culture, 2) the chance and responsibility of arts education to contribute to an inclusive and all-emcompassing development towards „(post) digital education“ that also regards aesthetic and emotional, and 3) the significance and potential of the discourses of arts related to the digital transformation of culture and society, from wich arts education can benefit to a high degree.
  • Digitalization and Arts Education: What do we know and what should change?
    UNITWIN Winnipeg 2019: Towards a Sustainable Vision for the Future of Arts Education. (Together with Elke Möller and Friederike Schmiedl). Winnipeg, Oct. 24-26 2019
  • Recent Research on Digitalization and Arts Education in Germany: Main Perspectives and First Outcomes.
    More than Bytes. Conference on digitalisation and arts education, Vienna, Apr. 19 2019
  • Digitality, Materiality, and Subjectivation. Insights and Relevance of Historical Anthropology for the Educational Research on Digitalization. International Conference „Anthropology — A Challenge to Education in a Globalized World. History, Culture, Philosophy“, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China, October 12-14, 2018.
  • Kreativität“ und „Innovation“ in der post-digitalen Kultur: Beiträge der Forschung zur Digitalisierung in der Kulturellen Bildung. [“Creativity” and “Innovation” in the Post-Digital Culture: Contributions of the Research on Digitalization in Aesthetic, Arts, and Cultural Education.] International Conference “Cultural Education: Theory and Practice in the Chinese-German Exchange”, Beijing und Tianjin, 12.-16.11.18.
  • Digitality, Design and Subjectivation: Towards an Exploration of Digital Materialities in Aesthetic Practices.
    Digital Cultures: Knowledge / Culture / Technology. Univ. Lüneburg, 19.-21-9-2018 (accepted paper)
  • Welcome Address. International Conference „Aesthetics of Transformations and the Challenge of Sustainability: Arts Education Research After Globalization“ in cooperation with the UNITWIN-Network „Arts Education Research for Cultural Diversity and Sustainability“. Akademie für Schultheater und performative Bildung, Nürnberg, 2. Mai 2018.
  • Diversity Education through Artistic Means in Germany. Kickoff-Conference of the UNITWIN-Network Arts Education Research for Diversity and Sustainable Development, Singapore, April 26, 2017. (Together with Lisa Unterberg and Ernst Wagner.)
  • Digitalization (and aesthetic education). Workshop, International Winterschool Spectra of Transformation, Akademie für Schultheater und performative Bildung, Nürnberg, February 21, 2017.
    Presentation Slides on Slideshare: Part 1, Part 1b, Part 2, Part 3
  • Digital and Post-Digital Conditions: Challenges for Nexts Arts Educations. Keynote, International Winterschool Spectra of Transformation, Akademie für Schultheater und performative Bildung, Nürnberg, February 21, 2017.
    Presentation Slides on Slideshare
  • Research in arts education: 
Topical constructions of „arts“ and „education“ in the international discourse.
    Arts Education in Europe and Worldwide: 
Implementation of the Seoul Agenda. Theatre Institute, Barcelona, June 1st, 2016.
  • Digitality and Aesthetics: Challenges for Next Arts Educations. Plattform Kulturelle Bildung: „Perspektiven Kultureller Bildung in Europa”. Schloss Genshagen, 18. November 2015.
    Vortragsfolien auf Slideshare
  • Mobile learning in formal education, or: How to train a trojan horse.
    Comenius-Regio-Tag, Nürnberg, St. Paul, 12. März 2013
    Vortragsfolien auf Slideshare
  • The Medialization of Sight.
    “Exploring the Senses: Emotions, Performativity, and Ritual”. International Conference, Freie Universität Berlin, 9. Dezember 2011.
    Vortragsfolien auf Slideshare
  • Keynote: Games, reflexivity, and gouvernementality.
    3rd Vienna Games Conference “Future and Reality of Gaming” (FROG 09), Wien, City Hall, 26.9.2009
    Slides and Script on Slideshare
  • The appresence of the body in the new media: Aspects of media “Bildung” at
    Vortrag im Rahmen der International conference “Media – Body – Imagination”, University of California in Irvine (UCI), Irvine, 29. März 2006. Podcasts available at the linked UCI Site.
  • Virtual Reality on the Stage. Performing Community at a LAN-Party.
    Vortrag im Rahmen der International Conference “The New Media Age and Everyday Life”, Stockholms universitet, 18. Juni 2003